Do more, say less.

This is about 7-8 years back. All of us colleagues had gathered to bid farewell to our expat Boss who was going back home after a stint of 3 years in India. It was a joyous evening as the Boss, a gentle old soul, shared fond memories of his relocation to India and how he … Continue reading Do more, say less.


He is charming and magnetic. We will call him R. His desire and energy to force his way through obstacles is impressive. But he is certainly not graceful or calm as he appears on the outside or as his name suggests. He is restless and trapped. That he is an outsider doesn’t help his cause … Continue reading Abyss…

The Influencer

The Cambridge Dictionary defines the word Influencer as, a person with the ability to influence the behavior and opinion of others. Influencers have always been around in the marketing space. Whether movie celebrities promoting beauty products or athletes endorsing health products, these old school influencers have manipulated gullible minds into buying soaps and service for … Continue reading The Influencer